We spent the day looking at sourcing in Shenzhen. As well as factory meetings, we spent several hours walking through Huaqiangbei. I thought this time I would do a walk and talk so those that have not been yet can get a feel for this exciting and unique trade area. https://youtu.be/EAP-JOTCls4
This is a test and review of the Aneng M469A Network Cable Tester. This device does two primary functions. Firstly, network cable continuity and secondly a network toner to locate cable paths. https://youtu.be/2yOSmRxqaFY
We visit Shenzhen Central Park to use the Delivery Drone Service https://youtu.be/AObVqOYT1ag
Recently we attended the Canton Fair in Guangzhou and met lots of interesting businesses and opportunities. We also took the opportunity to meet with our suppliers. One of them is Dongguan Kecheng Communications that manufacture our Network Cabling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjUSbd_499A
Here is an introduction video to the BKG EV Charging Pedestal.
In product development, particularly developing business products there are many variables to consider if you are going to build a successful product. From product features, maintenance, longevity, and purpose. A quick Google will bring up pages of product design advice that mostly all boil down to 4 key elements of product design · Functionality. · […]
Ever wonder why we spend so much time creating technology solutions from scratch when there are perfectly good ones already out there? You’ve designed a new product and need a way to provide power over Ethernet – instead of designing a whole new power module, why not tap into something that already exists? As makers […]