
Keeping It Simple: Why Reinventing the Wheel Is Overrated

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Ever wonder why we spend so much time creating technology solutions from scratch when there are perfectly good ones already out there? You’ve designed a new product and need a way to provide power over Ethernet – instead of designing a whole new power module, why not tap into something that already exists? As makers and builders, our instinct is often to forge our own path and create everything ourselves. But that urge to reinvent the wheel with each new project will only slow you down and drain your resources. The truth is, leveraging existing technologies and building on the work of others is often the smartest, most efficient way forward. Take it from someone who’s been there – don’t feel like you have to start from scratch every time. Standing on the shoulders of giants can take you farther than you ever imagined.

Keeping It Simple: Why Reinventing the Wheel Is Overrated

When designing technology, it’s about balancing cost and performance. Why reinvent the wheel when someone’s already created part of the solution? You can make the wheel better instead.

For example, we needed to tap power on an ethernet POE cable to power a remote device. Rather than designing a whole new POE module, we used an inexpensive off-the-shelf one. Then we packaged it to safely provide power from the ceiling, tapping into the existing network.

Keep it simple

Keeping it simple is smart. Don’t overcomplicate things or make more work for yourself. Using existing proven technology as a foundation allows you to build on it and improve it. You save time, money, and minimize risk.

Instead of starting from scratch, look for building blocks that already exist. See what’s commercially available or open-source that you can leverage. Then customize and optimize it for your needs. This “reinventing the wheel” approach is efficient and pragmatic.

###Leverage what’s already working

Standing on the shoulders of giants who came before you is wisdom. Their work acts as a springboard, allowing you to achieve more. Focus your efforts on enhancing and optimizing rather than recreating the fundamentals.

Building something completely from the ground up when suitable alternatives exist is often an unnecessary waste of resources. It can lead to inferior results because you’re not benefiting from previous knowledge and experience. Leveraging existing solutions as a starting point helps ensure you end up with the most robust, cost-effective outcome.

Keeping it simple and leveraging proven technology is smart thinking. Don’t make more work for yourself – build on what’s already working well instead. When designing solutions, reinventing the wheel is usually overrated. Optimize it rather than starting from scratch.

Leveraging Existing Solutions to Build Something Better

When you’re building something new, don’t reinvent the wheel – improve it. Leveraging existing, proven solutions can save you time, money, and a whole lot of headaches.

Why spend time and resources creating something from scratch when there are ready-made components you can utilize?

Take that POE module, for example. Instead of designing an entirely new system to provide power over Ethernet, you wisely tapped into an existing off-the-shelf solution. For a few bucks, you had a module that did exactly what you needed. All you had to do was package it to suit your specific application. Brilliant!

Rather than starting from zero, look for building blocks you can use as a foundation. See what’s already out there that can accelerate your progress. Maybe a open-source software library has code you can borrow. Or a commercial product offers features you can incorporate.

When you leverage existing solutions, you get to stand on the shoulders of those who came before you. You can achieve in days or weeks what might otherwise take months or years of painstaking development from the ground up.

Your customers will appreciate that you focused on innovating where it really matters rather than re-creating the wheel. And you’ll appreciate all the time and money you saved by wisely reusing proven technologies.

It’s a win all around. So next time you’re designing a new product or service, make reusability a priority. Do some research to find tried-and-true components you can build upon. Put in the effort to integrate them, then pour your creative energies into the parts that will make your offering truly unique.

Keeping it simple often means not reinventing the wheel. Look for existing solutions you can leverage, then make the wheel better. Your users and your bottom line will thank you.

Balancing Cost and Performance in Tech Design

When designing technology, finding the right balance between cost and performance is key. As the old saying goes, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. If part of a solution already exists, improve on it rather than starting from scratch. This approach saves time, money, and frustration.

For example, if you need to tap into the power from an Ethernet POE cable to power a remote device, don’t design a whole new POE power module. Instead, purchase an inexpensive off-the-shelf POE module for a few dollars and package it to safely provide power where you need it, like in a ceiling. This solution gets the job done for a fraction of the cost of a custom design.

  • Use existing open-source software libraries and modules
  • Build on top of existing hardware platforms and components
  • Customize and optimize existing solutions for your needs
  • Focus your resources on innovation where it really matters

Rather than starting from the ground up, modifying and improving on existing technologies allows you to stand on the shoulders of those who came before you. Your users and customers will appreciate a solution that leverages the best and brightest ideas in an affordable package.

When balancing cost and performance, don’t be afraid to use pre-made parts and pieces. Assess what’s out there, determine how well it suits your needs, and make targeted improvements. Use your time and money wisely by reserving major custom work for the areas that really define your product or service. The result will be an offering that delivers solid functionality at a competitive price point.

###Keep it Simple

At the end of the day, the best solutions are often the simplest. Needlessly complex designs tend to be more failure-prone, difficult to maintain, and expensive to produce. Keeping things simple and avoiding “feature creep” leads to technologies that just work, without complication

or hassle. Your users will appreciate the intuitive, no-nonsense experience. And you’ll avoid wasting resources on bells and whistles that don’t actually add value.

When it comes to tech design, reinventing the wheel is usually overrated. Look for opportunities to build on what’s already been done. Make incremental improvements and only major changes where they really matter. Keep the solution as simple as possible. This approach leads to the best balance of cost and performance.


So there you have it. Don’t feel like you always have to start from scratch and reinvent the wheel. Look for existing solutions that get you part of the way there and then make them better. Build on the work of others instead of duplicating effort. Your time is valuable, so why waste it? Focus on improving and optimizing, not recreating the status quo. The next time you have a problem to solve, do some research first. Maybe someone else out there has already designed a wheel that will spin you in the right direction. All you need to do is give it a push to get rolling. Keep it simple – that’s the moral of this story. Simplicity rules.

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